Dan Alia

I teach middle life professionals how to live a R.A.R. life

Are you on the right path?

You have a job & money. You have kids or pets. You have a home & security.
But you are not satisfied, happy or healthy.
Find out what your lead domino is to living a
RAR (rare) Life…
Rich | Anonymous | Retired

This is how it all started…

12 years ago we wrapped up a tough season of life.

We had moved 5 times in 7 years, been let go from 2 jobs in the same amount of time, lost a ton of money in getting out from under the financial crisis, lived apart from each other for almost a year, and just had our 2nd child.

Then my 37 year old sister died after a 2 year battle with Leukemia. Sad, depressed and defeated – THAT was a tough season in life.

And so we moved from the south back up to the northeast where we were originally from to be closer to family, and decided to settle down. I took a stable, yet stressful job with a long commute (2.5 hours in the car each day), and got the equivalent of a Masters degree in podcast listening. The normal routine of life took over. The boys grew, it was good to be close to friends, we had some great vacations, and we bought our forever home.

At this point, you probably are thinking this sounds familiar. Maybe you too are in a similar season. I like to call this time “middle life”, not middle aged. This period of life from 27 to 52 years old is a really great, yet challenging time. We had a beautiful family, our general health, a job that paid us well, a beautiful home and what we were taught was security – and yet I was not fulfilled, or felt like anything was enough.

I didn’t think I was on the right path.

So 5 years ago when I turned 42, I decided to listen and apply what I was teaching others. I started using an outline I built and taught at work I called the FOCUS Framework. I tracked my progress and documented what worked and what didn’t. I tried to live with more intention and gratitude.

And it has worked – I know what my path is now.

Sure life still throws tough seasons at us. We have aging parents who are sick. I have 2 teenage boys and all that comes with that. We have a dog who is 10 years old and losing her hearing. But I know now what “enough” is, and the vision of the next 10 years is clear. There is only one problem…

I don’t want to go on this journey alone.

Are you open to the idea to allow me to help you find the lead domino in your life that will get you on the path that right for you?

Are you ready?

Dan Alia

Optimist, Husband & Dad, A Normal Guy who Loves to Learn & Teach